Permit Information & Applications

The Village requires permits for various purposes. Here is a list of them, I have attached supporting documentation and required applications for easy access to print and email back to me at or you can certainly stop in the office to get a hard copy and get more information if needed.

* Golf Cart/Side X Side Permit The Village has passed an ordinance concerning the operation of such vehicles on village streets. In accordance with that, go over the checklist, and call or email to set up a time for our Chief of Police to meet with you and inspect the vehicle to attest it meets all requirements. Once he signs off on it, there is a $35 yearly fee to be paid at the office and you will receive a sticker to attach to your vehicle showing compliance. 

* Building Permit If you are erecting, altering, or relocating a structure you will need to obtain a building permit, read through the regulations, fill out the application and submit with a $25 fee and it will be put up for consideration at our next board meeting. 

* Culvert Permit If you would like to request a culvert be installed on your property by the Village, please read through the regulations and fill out the request and submit to the village office to be presented at our next board meeting for consideration. No fee for permit.

* Fence Permit If you are thinking about erecting a fence, read through regulations for this and submit an application to the village office to be presented at our next board meeting for consideration. No fee for permit. 

* Residential Solar Installation Permit If you are thinking about installing ground or roof mounted solar panels at your property, please read through the regulations and submit an application along with a $25 fee to be considered at our next board meeting.

* Commercial Solar Installation I have attached the Village's updated Solar Ordinance specific to commercial solar projects. Any intersted parties please call or email the Village Office for more information on obtaining a permit.

* Solicitation Permit It is NOT legal in the Village of Clayton for any solicitor, salesman, or canvasser to call from home to home without registering and obtaining a permit from the Village Clerk. An application must be submitted and a background check will be done by our Chief of Police. The Village has 10 days from submittal to approve or deny. 

I hope this information is helpful, if you have any questions about any of these, please call the village office for more clarification.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the process for getting a building permit?

The Public Works Committee and Zoning Chairman on our Board is in charge of our zoning and building, culvert, fence, and solar permits. They will strive to assist you with your construction project in an efficient and accountable manner. The process for obtaining a permit goes like this: fill out the application and submit to the village office with fee (if applicable), Niccie will get the application to our Zoning Chairman, who will do the inspection for the requested project. He will then present the application to our Board of Trustees at our next monthly board meeting with his recomendation to approve or deny. The board will then vote on it and applicant will be notified of the results.